Metadata Ingestion APIsShelf and Feed APIsSubscriber Activity APIs


Meta-data Exchanger. Version 2.1
The list of APIs provided in this doc are exclusively used for client APP side integration.





This API is used to bulk-ingest user activity history (favorites-list/watchlist, view details, ratings etc.) of a user. Multiple assets’ activity can be ingested at a time. It accepts a JSON […]


This API returns the Shelves/Strips for the apps to display. The shelves are returned in the order that they should appear on the screen (vertically). If SUBSCRIBER_ID is provided in […]


This API provides the capability to create an arbitrary number of recommended shelves for a user. Replace {SUBSCRIBER_ID} by the unique id of the user to get shelves for the […]


This API returns a list of Marquee banners.


This API is used to filter out a subset of all the items (VoDs or Series) based on the value of a specific tag. It returns an array of JSON […]


This API is used to filter out a subset of all the items (VoDs or Series) based on the values of multiple tags. It returns an array of JSON objects […]


The API returns a JSON object containing metadata for a particular item as determined by the value of ASSET_ID.


This API returns a list of related movies.


This API returns Episodic content.


This API returns all movie play related URLs.


Get the list of favorite items of a subscriber. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber to get the items that the user has favorited.


This API is used to add items to a subscriber’s favorites list. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber and ASSET_ID with the unique id of the item […]


This API is called to delete an item from a user’s favorite list. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the subscriber’s unique id and ASSET_ID with the asset’s unique id in order to […]


Get the list of last watched items of a subscriber. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber to get the items that the user has lastly watched.


This API is used to add items from a subscriber’s watch list. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber and ASSET_ID with the unique id of the item […]


This API is called to delete an item from a user’s watch list. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the subscriber’s unique id and ASSET_ID with the asset’s unique id in order to […]


Get the list of items that a subscriber has watched partially. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber to get the items that the user has not yet […]


Get the last playback position (pause time) of the item (in milliseconds) for the given subscriber. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber and ASSET_ID with the unique […]


This API is used to update the last playback position of an item for a subscriber. Typically the API is called at the end of playback and/or as a periodic […]


Get the list of items that a subscriber has already reviewed. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the unique id of the subscriber to get the reviewed items.