Gay and Bisexual Teen utilization of Adult “Hookup” Apps to locate lovers

April 19, 2021

A current research from Northwestern Medicine revealed that a lot more than 50 % of intimately active bisexual and homosexual teenage boys – 14 -17 years old – utilized adult “hookup” apps to meet up with male intimate lovers and buddies. 1 Apps described into the research especially had been, Grindr and Scruff. The research had been posted into the Journal of Adolescent health insurance and will be the very first research to glance at the usage of intercourse and dating app use among adolescent bisexual and homosexual guys.

Apps: Grindr and Scruff

These apps, such as for instance Grindr and Scruff, give users a networking this is certainly virtual that is exclusive to gay and bisexual males. This might be designed to circumvent the necessity to concern a possible friend or partner’s orientation that is sexual.

The research points away why these dating that is online is extremely attracting homosexual and bisexual teenagers, whom might not be as open about their intimate identification as older males, and whom likewise have a much smaller dating pool weighed against their heterosexual friends and schoolmates. People who are trying to puzzle out dating and sex with same-gender lovers could be interested in the anonymous nature among these apps.

Hookup apps pose some risks, but you will find good means these apps are helpful

“While this research highlights that hookup apps pose some dangers, we had been pleased to discover that there are lots of good means youth utilize these apps which help them feel well informed and comfortable within their sexuality,” said Kathryn Macapagal, research associate teacher of medical social sciences in the Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority health and wellness at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “They can better find out about how to protect their health that is sexual and less alone, which will be necessary for homosexual and bisexual teens that are greatly predisposed to feel isolated or depressed due to their intimate orientation or identity.”

Additional Findings for the Study

The research also discovered that teenage males who utilized apps had been prone to use health solutions, such as for instance HIV screening. Teenage men take into account almost two-thirds of HIV infections in adolescents in the usa, but education that is sexual never particularly deal with this risk group. Understanding how these apps are utilized, and exactly why teens are utilising them may help tailor HIV education programs surrounding this populace.


  1. Macapagal K, et al.Hookup App Use, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Health Among Adolescent guys Who Have Sex With Men in america. Journal of Adolescent wellness , amount 62 , problem 6 , 708 – 715
Image Copyright: olesiabilkei / 123RF Stock picture

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