For me it is thinking of the actual sex, not necessarly the relationship

May 3, 2022

Besides, you have probably looked at tons of porn and fantasized about all sorts of raunchy sexual acts

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I love and trust her. She knows that I regret my one night stand. I know that she regrets her past also. She has matured and wishes she hadn’t slept with those men.

Perhaps she was born with her sexual talents

What do I do to cope? I accept that I cannot change history. I am only human. I understand what triggers my jealousy and anger. So I try not to think about some other dude sleeping with my future wife. Except for one of her partners. I knew him. I try not to think about him at all.

Ultimately if you cannot get beyond or live with her sexual history, then you need to move on. You need to have this discussion with any potential girlfriend very early in the relationship and be willing to end it if what you find out is not agreeable.

Most women are not hard-wired to care about this issue in the same way that men are. And because of that, most women will have little or no sympathy for mens’ plight on this issue. A guy who admits to struggling with this will be lucky if his girlfriend doesn’t just call him a sexist bigot for it.

Has the 32-partner girlfriend been used as the town bike? Yes. Has she learned & grown from it? I doubt anything from the sex. Whatever she learned, she could have learned just as much about men & life without humping all those guys, and that’s the unfortunate truth. Serious relationship parters teach us important things about life. Sex partners do not.

If any women are reading this, MEN ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE SOME CHANGING TO DO ON THIS ISSUE. A lot is made of the fact that men “screw anything that walks” and have “double standards” when it comes to women. But little is made of the fact that women are very willing to let themselves be led into bed by obviously-bad guys for years before they wise up. Maybe that “phase” in young womens’ lives doesn’t seem important to them, but it’s gonna be absolutely destroying their partner’s feelings for them later on down the line.

There’s no law against women screwing around all they want, but they shouldn’t act like their future serious partners are jerks just for having feelings about it later.

i met this canadian girl on the net and really fell in love,after a while we started talking about ex’s and the like and she told me that shes slept with 27 other guys.shes 21 and im 23 ive slept with 6 girls.about a month later i went to canada from ireland to visit her and everything went perfect,shes just come back from a 2 week visit here from meeting my folks and im moving over in a month to live wit slowly starting to find out who the 27 guys are,ive been worrying so much about other guys she hangs out wit,i really wouldnt like to be around people she has slept with.after a few weeks of this torture,every single day spent thinking of her with the other guys,how they met,where they had sex,was he better than me.i wanna ask so many questions but i dont wanna know the answers,she knows it bothers me and she hates it so im giving up on the whole “numbers” thing,cos no matter how much i sit around thinking about it,trying to figure stuff out ,there is nothing that can take it back,and it shouldnt even matter anyway all this happend before i even knew her.if only it was that simple says i .any other girl and i would of been out of there but i cant just walk away from this one so easy.shes a wonderful girl and my mother really really likes her and most of all i know she loves just take a good long look at your girl and make a decision,she does have feelings too ya girlfriend knows how i feel about it and keeping it bottled up does not help,so talk to her and if shes the one who walks out then you have your answer,

In the end, it is like that math test you failed in 7th grade, or maybe that really embarrassing moment you thought you would never forget – you did.

Does my wife’s past bother me? Absolutely not. We did not know each other then; she was not cheating on me. Honestly, I hope she had a good time with all her men. She is fantastic in bed. Her experiences, i.e., practice sessions, only fine tuned these attributes. Bottomline: I am the one who gets to enjoy the benefits now.

So lay off. Gain some wisdom and some understanding. Find some humility and some awe. Go sit by the sea and think about it for days on end until your head hurts and you’re thirsty and all you wants is her — however she is, whoever she is, wherever she’s been, whatever she’s done.

She continued to tell me things, and I was becoming infuriated but I more or less kept it bottled up. I think what bothered me most was that she had no regrets of it and kept telling me how it was all just sweet and innocent. Although, she told me before me she was only in one actual relationship that lasted a couple years. She was absolutely devastated by its end, and that’s when her bout of promiscuity ensued. I was more understanding towards her, but she wouldn’t admit that the actions she took were a result of insecurity. I wanted to hear that she was ashamed of what she did and that she wanted to change and that I was different, but I never heard those words.

Upon my return, I hadn’t spent much time with her. I had the chance to hear the whole story, and she was kind of tricked into the situation, so I was a bit more understanding. However, I have been stressed about things and the pressure of school doesn’t help either. I haven’t had much time to see her, and when I do I haven’t really enjoyed it.

maybe theres the outside chance that she really thinks she was wrong and wishes she never did it but sadly we cant take back the things we do, thats why we have to try make responsible choices on a daily basis about the way we conduct our lives. the hard fact is that you precious love willingly opened her legs for guys who were only interested in one thing, her opening her legs!its easier to forget her past if you didnt really love her, thats the sad thing.