Topic Message Board. I will be thinking about buying the ultra Shop multi-tool

January 19, 2022

I am thinking about purchasing the ultra store multi-tool. I have been thinking about the Shopsmith, although power to use steel (lathe, factory, etc.) is why I am taking into consideration the ultra Shop.

Do individuals have experience with this means? I would like both the bad and good. Many thanks for your own assist.


I have been the owner of a Shopsmith MarkV design 510 approximately 16 many years. In addition struggled to obtain the organization through the mid 90s as national business and solution management. Really an excellent tool with several pros and cons to the program. Pros consist of flexibility and simplicity in animated from function to a different and posting of sides. The exercise click feature is top notch although a tad too fast for huge forstner pieces in addition to band saw is very good for just what its; a little band saw. Drawbacks consist of issues in modifying to essentially great tolerances considering that the sleep in the dining table saw will not be all that sturdy. (your learn to adapt to they within approach.) The lathe, while of use, are somewhat light-weight and tends to shake with larger turnings unless you put the performance reducer (about a $300 choice) and the brand-new lathe appliance sleep ($75?). The dining table spotted using its tilting table are difficult to cut angles on with bigger products, sheet merchandise in particular.

All that said, the system has actually significantly more than supported my personal needs all of these years and that I’ve best have one big fix, a motor replacement about 3 years back, a fairly straightforward DIY task.

Would I buy another? I would personally basically is at the exact same developmental degree as then (five years into the passion) and had small space. The size will make it unique for the characteristics you can get. It’s just the thing for a tiny hobbiest workshop.

You will find finally been able to protect a totally free standing store of 20 x 30 and, if cash comprise no item, I would end up being improving to specific methods. That is not during the spending budget until when I retire and so I’ll use this for the next 15 years roughly.

I’ve not utilized the complete store but have a friend just who worked for them. He asserted that it absolutely was better made that the level V, weighs very nearly twice as much, but is filled with the exact same problems since the Mark V whenever working in material, less thus in wood.

If you should be already rather accomplished only at that, you will end up dissatisfied in a choice of until you has room limitations which call for a trade off in any event.

It’s like those fax, duplicate, printers they promote. It does a lot but nothing from it perfectly. Your money can buy you might fare better with put seperates as well as have soemthing that do it’s tasks really well. We think like shopsmith, merely amateurs with glazed over attention and drooling mouths along with stuffed wallets fall for this stuff. I nonetheless recall those hour-long advertisements associated with shopsmith late at night. In my experience that will be a sure signal a product or service isn’t any close. I’ve been a woodworker and metal employee for thirty anything years and think this is one of many worst things you can spend your cash using least return.

Having said that when you have small space and would like to do lightweight stuff and also mild metal perform it will be ok.

If you plan on using this craft seriously I think you will end up upset during these knowledge. like other people said, each of them make sacrifices as flexible. The greater amount of feel you will get the greater number of dissapointed you’ll be together with the machinery restrictions. If you have the area, single features equipments tend to be a far greater investment.

we intend to need say yes to disagree. Shopsmith enjoys a good appliance line. Provided they’re not the utmost effective, throughout of the tools but, they are far better than some various other, instrument manufacturers.The accuracy and reliability, not forgetting ease of access, of a wide range of resources to execute certain work, keeps kept the product line running a business for almost 50 years.

I would expect any company who is going to participate for this length of time, contrary to the manufacturing giants such as for instance Rockwell & General. need to be doing things right.

All skilled tradesmen bring unique personal preference with what methods they choose to use, according to work that should be complete.

I recommend it isn’t the software that makes the ways, oahu is the guy exactly who makes use of the appliance.

(To forestgirl, SORRY. Person who improve art.) :)

Sincerely your own C.A.G.


Thanks everyone else for your replies. Room try my personal restricting aspect, but, after the suggestions, I think i might be much better off to utilize individual machines or maybe see a made use of shopsmith to increase my personal companies saw. Once more thanks for their feedback. Walt

Should you decide go combo honestly glance at Felder, Rojek, Hammer, Knapp etc. Plus they hold her investment greater. Applied will be the best possible way purchasing a shopsmith should you decide truly must in case you have got utilized different companies you will likely very disappointed overall.

We looked at the Shopsmith and traveled observe a demonstration at Lowes. I was amazed with what they may do in a little area. But, I thought there could be some issues concentrating on large projects and sheet merchandise. I found myself nervous that I would quickly outgrow the shopsmith immediately after which will have a major financial in a tool that I found myselfn’t utilizing a lot. I truly don’t and also haven’t had an excellent demand for that horizontal dull or boring facet of the machine.

I got my personal time. Went to estate auctions. Shopped for new equipment and knowledgeable myself on what would work in my situation in the long run. I came across a beneficial cabinet spotted, a drill hit, a dust collector and a 6″ jointer for less than 2K. If you want to put the bandsaw into shopsmith the price tag due to their tiny device is actually near to the things I discover a 14″ noticed that i personally use daily during my store. My personal challenge had been i desired anything NOW. Over 25 years after start woodworking I am nevertheless buying toys and adding to the collection. If you don’t have to have everything immediately along with the room to accomplish this In my opinion you are more happy over time to construct a shop of specific items. Should you decide actually take care to store and hunting you’ll set an excellent shop along.

By the way. I actually do bring a Shopsmith now. It had been fond of me after a neighbors husband passed away. I used it as a horizontal incredibly dull machine two times since I got it.