Metadata Ingestion APIsShelf and Feed APIsSubscriber Activity APIs

Review – average rating

Get the average review score of an item over all subscribers who have rated it. Replace ASSET_ID with the unique id of the item to get its average score.

The mathematical calculation of average rating —


Resource URL

GET - /metax/2.1/activity/review/avg/{ASSET_ID}

Header Paramater

Bearer Access Token

NOTE: Access Token here refers to the access authorization token.

Example Request URL

GET - http://__JTV__HOST__/metax/2.1/activity/review/avg/abcdefgh

Example Return

4.5 (Double value of the score)

The response of a invalid authorization access call ( Status #401) will look as follows:-

To see how to get access token - (see Getting Access Tokens)

The response of an ERROR in authorization access call ( Status #404) will look as follows:-

HTTP Status 404