Metadata Ingestion APIsShelf and Feed APIsSubscriber Activity APIs

Favorites – delete

This API is called to delete an item from a user’s favorite list. Replace SUBSCRIBER_ID with the subscriber’s unique id and ASSET_ID with the asset’s unique id in order to remove the asset/item from the user’s favorite list.

Resource URL

DELETE - /metax/2.1/activity/fav/{SUBSCRIBER_ID}/{ASSET_ID}

Header Paramater

"Bearer Access Token"

NOTE: Access Token here refers to the access authorization token.

Form Parameter

String (Item type)
values are the type of the item. (e.g. "vod" or "episodic" or "episode")

Example Request URL

DELETE - http://__JTV_HOST__/metax/2.1/activity/fav/

Example Return

The response of a invalid authorization access call ( Status #401) will look as follows:-

To see how to get access token - (see Getting Access Tokens)

The response of an ERROR in authorization access call ( Status #404) will look as follows:-

HTTP Status 404