Metadata Ingestion APIsShelf and Feed APIsSubscriber Activity APIs

Ingestion – Bulk Metadata

This API is used to upsert (Update/insert) multiple item/ title at a time. If the item already exists it will overwrite the existing item or will insert as a new item.

Resource URL

PUT - /metax/3.0/ingest/

Header Paramater

Bearer Access Token to be sent with all client requests.
application/json or application/xml
The API provides ability to send both JSON and XML formatted data. If you want to push the data in XML format, set Content-Type header to application/xml and for JSON formatted data , set Content-Type header to application/json.

Example Request URL

PUT - http://__JTV__HOST__/metax/3.0/ingest/

Example Request

If request content type is JSON If request content type is XML

NOTE : The above JSON and XML examples request feed format indicative. Format may vary based on the partner's existing feed format.

Example PHP Code

Example Return

HTTP status code : 200 OR OR Faliure
HTTP status code : 401 HTTP status code : 400 OR OR OR OR