Metadata Ingestion APIsShelf and Feed APIsSubscriber Activity APIs

App Navigation – Get Shelf List

This API returns the Shelves/Strips for the apps to display. The shelves are returned in the order that they should appear on the screen (vertically). If SUBSCRIBER_ID is provided in the request, then the returned list of shelves will be personalized recommended shelves for that subscriber. If a generic listing is required (e.g. for a guest user with no subscriber-id) then reserved value “FREE” should be used for SUBSCRIBER_ID.

Each shelf in the response has a given name (to be displayed as Shelf title in the app) and a URL for the corresponding feed. The “type” of the shelf can be as follows:

  • “JTV_LEAF” (a static feed)
  • “JTV_RECOMMENDED” (a dynamically generated feed created by the personalization/recommendation engine).
  • “JTV_CONTINUE_WATCH” (displays a list of movies which are yet to be completed watching)
  • “JTV_MY_FAV” (displays list of movies the user has added to favorite list)

Resource URL

GET - metax/2.1/shelf/list/home/{SUBSCRIBER_ID}

Header Paramater

Bearer Access Token

NOTE: Access Token here refers to the access authorization token.

Form Parameter

Type of the device. e.g. roku, iphone, ipad, android-mobile, android-tab, web etc. If this value is present, the MetaX will send media URLs specific to that device only. e.g. small thumbnails for mobiles. Default value 'mobile'.

Example Request URL

GET - http://__JTV_HOST__/metax/2.1/shelf/list/home/

Example Return

The response of a invalid authorization access call ( Status #401) will look as follows:-

To see how to get access token - (see Getting Access Tokens)

The response of an ERROR in authorization access call ( Status #404) will look as follows:-

HTTP Status 404