GetItemInfo – Best Subscribers for an Item

This API returns a list of subscribers to whom an item should be recommended. Replace ASSET_ID with the unique id of the item to get the recommendations. The return values are sorted in descending order with the first-item being the user who is most likely to like the item.

Resource URL

GET - /GetItemInfo/{ASSET_ID}

Form Parameter

Recommendation service stores recommended items along with the recommendation weights for each subscriber as computed by different algorithms.
This parameter determines the algorithm according to which the returned recommendations are computed.
Valid values are:
  • cf_item
  • cf_tag
  • user_tag
  • user_item
  • limit
    The maximum number of subscribers to return for the given item. By default, all available subscribers and their ratings are returned.

    Example Request URL

    GET - http://__JTV_HOST__/GetItemInfo/NNVG10006424?algo=user_tag

    Example Return